Beware Of Over Exertion During Exercise Training}

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Beware Of Over-Exertion During Exercise Training
Harry JohnsonWe have all heard the term “over-training”, but what does the term mean really? Well, it can mean different things to different people depending on what activity or sport is involved. Mostly, it means too much, too often at too high of an intensity level, and our bodies suffer the consequences. For example, if you have been weight-lifting or resistance training, you will understand how great it is to see your body change so dramatically and how easy it would be to just increase training intensity and frequency too quickly in hopes of greater, faster results. Of course, rationally, we all know this is a big mistake. But, the desire for an even better shape and “feel good” chemicals called endorphins, can cause us to do just a bit too much,too fast, leading to chronic pain and injury.Over-training, or “over exertion” as it is sometimes called, can lead too such things as tendonitis, pulled or torn muscles, painful and serious rotator cuff injuries, and “burn out”, where an athlete is physically too worn out and drained to exercise at all. Some symptoms of burn out or overexertion can include dizziness, fainting spells, chills, fever, or more serious symptoms such as shock or convulsions. The muscles of the body just simply “give out”, completely exhausted and unable to function. Now this doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t work hard. It only means you need toknow your limits and up to what intensity you can train without jeopardizing your health or well-being. Remember that muscles need rest between workouts. Working the same muscles in the same way too often results in injury and a reduction in performance. When a muscle is over-tired, the load is taken into the joint. Joints are not designed for load they are designed for movement. Tendonitis and joint pain are also pretty common indicators of over-training. Another good thing to remember is that variety is very beneficial in any workout regimen. This is why we fitness instructors recommend doing different sports or fitness activities. But for “die hard” weight lifters, variation can be accomplished in a variety of ways. One common way is to work different muscle groups on different days. Another method is to change the way in which a particular exercise is performed so as to train the muscles differently. As much as you may love to workout, remember that when the risks out-weigh the benefits, it’s time to revise your workout plan. Train safe and keep your workouts SMART!
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