How To Make An Ex Girlfriend Wildly Jealous}

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Submitted by: Anthony Malibu
When everything you’ve been trying to get back your ex girlfriend hasn’t worked, making her jealous is a definite option. You can do this without mind games or stupid tricks – there are ways of making your exgirlfriend feel extreme jealously toward your situation after breaking up with you, if you know what they are.
If you’re looking to win back the love of your ex, nothing works quite as well – or as quickly – as that big green monster: jealousy. Creating it within your ex’s mind breeds attraction, desire, and a very heated sense of urgency to come running back to you. Making your ex girlfriend jealous is a great tool when trying to get her interested in dating you again, and it can fix a break up quicker than just about anything else. But as with all moves you make after your relationship ends, you must be careful how you go about doing it.
There are many ways to instill jealousy, even if your ex is the one who initiated the break up. The more of them you can score, the more desperate your girlfriend will be to get back with you. The biggest rule to remember however, is that you can’t let your ex know that you’re trying to make her jealous. If she suspects that you are, then the jig is up. You need to make her envious of your position, status, and emotional state – and you have to do this with an uncaring attitude, as if you’re not even concerned with your ex girlfriend at all. The best ways to make her feel jealous emotions is to let her think you’ve moved on with your life.
The following methods are best for making an ex girlfriend jealous:
Getting Over Everything Quickly
After she breaks up with you, your ex is still watching for your reaction. She’ll expect to see you upset and depressed, and she’ll be braced for you to fight to get her back. This is why the faster it appears you’ve moved on, the more stunned your exgirlfriend will be. When she sees that you’re not chasing after her, your ex will think she underestimated your attraction and need for her. All good things, because as you’re rattling her confidence it seems that yours is soaring.
Look Great and Feel Good
The days and weeks just after your break up should be a whirlwind of physical activity for you. Instead of sitting around waiting for the phone to ring, get out and exercise. Go to the gym, do some weight training, start running and work on your tan. As you get fit you’re going to feel better, and you’ll have tons more energy. All that sweat will release endorphins and stress. You’ll think less and less about your ex and more about yourself, which is what you should be doing. When you’re looking and feeling good, hit the mall and grab some new clothing. All of these things will make you instantly more attractive to everyone around you, including your ex girlfriend. Make her envious by looking better than you ever did while the two of you were dating.
Channel Positivity Everywhere You Go
Now it might seem hard to feel good about things right now, but you need to keep a positive outlook if you want to win your ex back. Don’t pity yourself, mourn the relationship, or lock yourself in your room. Suck things up, and concentrate on moving forward. Don’t hope or pray that you’ll get back together with your girlfriend – know that you will. When you radiate nothing but confidence, good things tend to happen all around you. You’re going to be more driven to succeed, and by staying active you’re allowing yourself more opportunites. All of these traits are highly regarded by women, and it’s what they look for in a man. The more of them you can give off, the greater your chances of sparking renewed interest from your ex girlfriend.
Date Other Women
Nothing, and I mean absolutely nothing will make your ex more jealous than seeing you with another girl. She may have broken up with you, dumped you, not wanted you anymore… but once she sees that someone else wants you? All those things fall by the wayside. Suddenly she’s re-evaluating you as a potential mate, and envious of your new girlfriend. And if she hasn’t moved on yet? It’s going to be ten times worse for her. Few things hurt a girl more than seeing you move on with someone new while she’s still sitting at home, alone.
Now I’m not saying you should forget your goal of getting your ex back. Nor am I saying you should date someone just for the sake of making your ex jealous. But casually seeing a new girl or two? There’s absolutely nothing wrong with it. In fact, it’s healthy for you – and it’s healthy for stirring those old emotions that your ex tried so hard to bury when she broke up with you. Going out and dating again is a win-win scenario when it comes to winning back your ex.
About the Author: There are other great ways of making your ex girlfriend jealous, so learn what they are! And for a full-scale battle plan to reversing your break up, check out the step by step process at
Get Back Your Ex Girlfriend
, as well as how to
know if your ex still loves you
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